Wednesday, October 14, 2009

SHAG - NADAC Trial this weekend.

This weekend Pyper and I will be running in our 3rd trial. We are really excited, this will be the first trial that we have entered all the events. We have 6 runs on Saturday - Weavers, Jumpers, Regular 1 & 2, Chances and Tunnlers; then we have 5 more on Sunday - Tunnlers, Jumpers, Chances, Regular, TouchNGo. I am a little concerned that Pyper will get too tired and peter out by the end runs each day, but I figure I will not know unless I try, plus it will be good for both of us.

If all goes well Pyper will title this weekend, she currently has 20 points in Jumpers, Tunnelers and TouchNGo. We are also really excited about that! Wish us luck. I will be sure to post after this weekend with pictures and videos.


  1. Just remember to keep your eye on the long term prize too! :-)

  2. As I read over your blog, it really is amazing how fast and far you and Pyper have gone. The two of you look like pros out there. And to think we started out in the same class. You have both left us in your dust. lol
    You really do have a special gift. I look forward to reading more on your and Pyper's journey.
