Monday, October 19, 2009

SHAG - NADAC Trial is over and I am exhausted!!

Well the weekend is over and we are all exhausted! We had a really nice weekend, visited with all of our friends, made some new friends and had some really great runs. Saturday was good, but not as good as I would've hoped as I was not feeling well! Sucks!
First thing in the morning we ran Weavers, Pyper did great; she hit her last set of weaves perfectly! Second run up was Jumpers; we had a great run, first place Q! Third and Fourth runs were Regular, we did ok but I was really starting to not feel well so we were not successful. We had 2 more runs left for the day, but I decided to pack it in for the day to go home and get some rest to see if I could kick the bug!

Sunday was a much better day. We started off with Tunnlers, we did great, Pyper followed me perfectly, maybe a little too perfectly! I tried to leave her a little more than normal but didn't give her the right body language to send her to the tunnel, so she followed me! Good Dog! We Q'd in this run which was also our Tunnlers Title.

Second Run: Jumpers, another fantastic run, for some reason Pyper goes around the last run, I am still not sure why, but besides that it was a great run. You can't see it on the video but I lead out past the 3rd jump.

Third Run: Chances. I am really happy with this run, we did not succeed but she hit her weave poles first try and she did everything great.
Fourth Run: Regular. Well this was a different story, she started all new bad habits, she missed her contact on the A-Frame, very weird! Then she took the Tunnel instead of the dog walk, not as weird, but when she did take the dog walk she bailed; which if I watch the video doesn't exactly look like her fault. We were asked to "go on". Also a first for us.

Last Run: Touch N Go. Usually Pypers favorite, but it was the last run of the day, I think she was a little tired. It took us about 4 attempts on 1 hoop! I was almost ready to throw her through it! She finally went! The run was good but we went over time. All in all I was happy with it.

We did have a bit of a surprise this weekend. I had the judge measure Pyper in hopes that we could get her permanent height card, we already have 2 judges sign off at 16"....but Pyper has lost some weight as she is now in great shape so the judge could not sign off on 16, she measured at 12! This would not be that big of deal, except that we were going to try and compete in USDAA, AKC and NADAC. AKC and NADAC she would be 12 and USDAA she would be 16....what to do, what to do?

1 comment:

  1. The weekend was so great and no matter what happened with your runs, you & Pyper did great! If you had fun, that's the most important thing in my eyes. I mean, who would have thought at the beginning of the year, that Pyper would be the dog she is today, doing what she does today. We always have to remember that and be thankful. So fun is most important for her! If you want to strive to do better, well that is practice, practice, practice...and teamwork. You & Pyper haven't been doing this for too long and you will get better with time. I'm super proud of both of you!! And congratulations on getting your title in tunnelers.
