This past Saturday all three girls and I went to Fort Bend County Fairgrounds to compete in the SHAG NADAC trial. This was the first trial for both Mia and Hallie and I would have to say they had a blast.
First up was Tunnelers.
Mia ran first, she did really well all things considered, she completed the course over time because she had a bad case of the sniffies, but she did compete!
Next up was Hallie, she ran like a champ! She placed 2nd and qualified. Here is picture of her very first set of Ribbons! Way to go Hallie!
Hallie with her 2nd place qualifying ribbons from Tunnelers |
Next was Jumpers.
First up was Pyper, she scooted around a jump and when I called her back she back jumped it for an off-course, however, she did really well considering she has not trialed in 10 months.
Next was Mia, she did fantastic! She only had a little episode of sniffies which I managed to call her back and got her back on track. She finished in 1st Place!
Last was Hallie, she started up real nice....but.....I guess she had to poop!!! oops.
Last was Standard.
First up was Hallie, right off the bat we had a tunnel dog walk discrimination.....unfortunately the tunnel sucked her right in! Oh well, the rest of the run was great!
Last run of the day was Pyper's and she did really great, I managed to get her to take the tunnel instead of the dog walk which was my worrisome spot and she completed all her contacts successfully, she placed 1st!
Pyper with her 1st place qualifying ribbon for Standard |
Mia with her 1st place qualifying ribbon for Jumpers |
Here is a picture of all the girls showing of their ribbons!