Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SHAG - NADAC trial Video!

Ok here is the video from the SHAG - NADAC Trial.

The trial was October 16, 2010 @ the Fort Bend County Fair Grounds near Rosenberg, TX

NADAC, AKC, USDAA and AAC Quick Reference Post

I have often had to go searching for answers online about the different agility organizations so I thought I would blog about it so that we all would have a reference place for future use.  First off the 4 organizations that I compete in or will compete in are:
AAC - Agility Association of Canada
AKC - American Kennel Club
NADAC - North American Dog Agility Council
USDAA - United States Dog Agility Association

The Basics
Dog Heights: 

As of September 1, 2010 AAC went from 20" - 21" to 24" spacing.
As of January 1, 2009 USDAA went from 18" - 21" to 21" spacing.
Note: In AAC the A-Frame is set @ 60" for vets.

Broad Jump:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Having some fun with the Girls and my new Flip Video Camera!

Pyper has been doing weaves for about a year and a half, but we still continue to practice and proof.  She gets so excited when we practice that she insists on barking at me....somewhat annoying but I am glad she is so enthusiastic.  Well since I won the Flip Video camera I have been taking some videos of the girls, I just set the camera up on the tripod and go.  Well this past week I downloaded a new program for my computer called Windows Live Movie Maker, it is so much fun.  This is the first video I made.

Hallie has been on the weaves for a year this month, I looked back at past blog posts and she started her 2x2 training in October of last year.  She is still doing really well, needs more proofing but she also has such a good time practicing I don't think she will object to more proofing.  Here is her video. 

Well I have finally taken the time to train Mia on the weaves and yes course I used the 2x2 method.  While training I discovered that if she gets frustrated she shuts down in a way, looses interest in the game because it isn't fun.  This was different with the other two girls, if Pyper got frustrated she would start to talk back, and Hallie....well I don't think she gets frustrated!!!! LOL  Gotta love that girl.  Mia did not get the same treatment that Pyper and Hallie got, I did not train 3 times a day with her like I did with them, I only trained once or twice in an evening.  This wasn't a strategic move or anything I was just being lazy.... :)  The other challenge with Mia is the fact that she really does not like the feel of the grass on her feet...especially if it is wet.  So to start off we had to do all our training on concrete in order to make it rewarding enough, training on grass at first was out of the question because it was very demotivating.   Well all challenges aside I think we are finally getting somewhere, check out the video and let me know what you think. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby dogs first Trial....way to go Girls

This past Saturday all three girls and I went to Fort Bend County Fairgrounds to compete in the SHAG NADAC trial.  This was the first trial for both Mia and Hallie and I would have to say they had a blast.
First up was Tunnelers.
Mia ran first, she did really well all things considered, she completed the course over time because she had a bad case of the sniffies, but she did compete! 
Next up was Hallie, she ran like a champ!  She placed 2nd and qualified.  Here is picture of her very first set of Ribbons!  Way to go Hallie!
Hallie with her 2nd place qualifying ribbons from Tunnelers

Next was Jumpers.
First up was Pyper, she scooted around a jump and when I called her back she back jumped it for an off-course, however, she did really well considering she has not trialed in 10 months.
Next was Mia, she did fantastic!  She only had a little episode of sniffies which I managed to call her back and got her back on track.  She finished in 1st Place!
Last was Hallie, she started up real nice....but.....I guess she had to poop!!!  oops.

Last was Standard.
First up was Hallie, right off the bat we had a tunnel dog walk discrimination.....unfortunately the tunnel sucked her right in!  Oh well, the rest of the run was great!
Last run of the day was Pyper's and she did really great, I managed to get her to take the tunnel instead of the dog walk which was my worrisome spot and she completed all her contacts successfully, she placed 1st!

Pyper with her 1st place qualifying ribbon for Standard

Mia with her 1st place qualifying ribbon for Jumpers

Here is a picture of all the girls showing of their ribbons! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Color of Contacts

The answer to my Question....what color do I paint my agility contacts....has finally been answered!!!

I do not have much for agility contact equipment, actually I only have 2 things, a teeter and now a table.  For a long time now I have been trying to figure out what color's I would like to have as my agility color scheme, well today I figured it out!  Blue and Yellow!  You may think wow Rhonda how original but I have made this decision with the dogs in mind.  Turns out these are the colors that dogs see best....see chart below.

I was considering Red and Yellow until I saw this chart...good thing I did not pick these colors, the dogs would not have seen a difference.  So I guess that is why blue and yellow contact equipment is so popular....nope wasn't a paint sale!