Pyper - she is pretty good with her jumping skills however she does have a tendency to touch or even drop bars so I thought I would us this opportunity to help her remember to pick up her feet. To set this up I brought the jump into the living room...well this was really due to the fact that it is 95 degrees outside more then anything...anyway with the jump set up at her jumping height of 12" I practice the classic recall over a jump. She was not collecting as well has I would've liked so I moved the jump parallel to the couch roughly 16-20" away. Then I repeated the classic recall drill, this made a huge difference but still not exactly what I wanted. Next I knelt down beside the jump facing the bar, with a treat on the landing side of the jump (opposite side Pyper was on) I asked her to jump rewarding her from my hand on the floor (so very very low) Then I would repeat but back to the opposite side. If she touched or dropped the bar she did not get the treat.
Hallie - well she was a little different story....I brought her out to start practicing and she decided that she was not going to listen so she went right back into her kennel. She did eventually get her turn. So Hallie knows to pick up her feet so she does not usually drop bars but she does have a tendency to jump with extension a lot so I really wanted to concentrate on her jumping with collection. She received the exact same exercise as Pyper, the only thing done differently was to move the coffee table to the opposite side of the jump from where I was kneeling as she was going around the jump instead of over....silly girl. And I added Crystal to the equation, I had her stand 16" away on the landing side so that it would encourage her to give true collection, it worked but not without some challenges.
Mia - she is really starting to get the feel for agility, I think she is beginning to understand that it is fun and rewarding. Now having said that she did have some challenges. :) She had the same drill has Hallie including moving the jump parrallel with the couch, with this she decided instead of jumping collected she would just us the couch as an object to bounce off of back to the then I added Crystal 16" away. This proved to be very challenging for Mia. She tried to go around, so we moved the coffee table opposite me so she couldn't, she even tried to go through the jump which obviously failed because the bars fell but eventually she figured out that she needs to go over. And she started jumping collected with really nice form.
On another note, last night Crystal and I went to the book store and I came home with a new book. "51 Pyppy Tricks" by Kyra Sundance, great book! Totally recommend it! I am now in the process of teaching all the girls to figure 8 between my legs....they loved it!