Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pyper's Red Eye

Pyper went to the Vet yesterday, she has had a red inflamed eye for a few days now. The Doctor checked to make sure she had not scratched her cornea or had anything stuck in behind her third eye lid. Thankfully neither of these was the case. So we came home with some medicine, it is a gel that you apply just under the eye lid.

The best part of the trip was what the vet said, she said..."she is such a good natured dog" Both Crystal and I were amazed. But really she is becoming a really good girl!

Oh yeah and Pyper weighed in @ 23 lbs....guess we need to cut down a little. :) Now that we are not doing Agility she isn't getting as much exercise. :(

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pyper NA NAJ

Well this past weekend Pyper titled in Novice A JWW. So proud! She is officially Pyper NA NAJ! :)

We had a couple of good runs in Open on Saturday and Sunday but not enough to Q, which is OK, I believe we had success in other ways! However, I do think I was kind of bummed that it was our last trial for a while cause our last run of the weekend was awful, I had to walk off. Not really Pyper's fault, I was off so she was off! Oh well!

Anyway, I do hope to keep up with the blog over the next few months despite the fact that we will not be taking classes or trialing. I hope to do more with the dogs at home.

So stay tuned!